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  • Product Code: 3541345
Plant growth and development stimulator. Accelerates plant growth and development, increases their r..
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  • Product Code: 3265029
Protects from boys, moniliosis, spotting. It is used for the processing of fruit trees, berry and fl..
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  • Product Code: 3265028
Antiseptic fungicidal agent is created to combat mold and fungal diseases. Promotes the destruction ..
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  • Product Code: 4209534
The drug contains an important microelement for plants. With a lack of boron, plant growth and the d..
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  • Product Code: 3265024
Green soap is an insecticide low -toxic for humans, which has a preventive efficiency against an imp..
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  • Product Code: 3708508
Hydrogel - absorbs water 100-200 times more than its own weight, along with water is able to absorb ..
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  • Product Code: 4237790
Fertilization of manganese sulfate increases the resistance of crops and helps to avoid such various..
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  • Product Code: 4209536
Fertilization of manganese sulfate increases the resistance of crops and helps to avoid such various..
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  • Product Code: 3541344
manganese accelerates the growth of all vegetable crops: tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, etc. methods of..
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  • Product Code: 1409270
manganese accelerates the growth of all vegetable crops: tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, etc. methods of..
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  • Product Code: 3364179
Colloid sulfur - inorganic fungicide with an antiseptic effect, sold in the form of wetting powder. ..
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  • Product Code: 3265025
A means for healing the wounds of fruit and decorative trees caused by vaccinations, occupation or t..
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Showing с 1 to 12 of 12 (1 pages)