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Tomato (page 3)

  • Product Code: 1768454
Tomatoes of high -yielding varieties "Borsch" ripen for 100 days. The indeterminant plant is suitabl..
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  • Product Code: 9359569
A magnificent early-ripening salad tomato with bright scarlet pulp from the famous French manufactur..
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  • Product Code: 9489554
The early determinant hybrid of tomato 90-95 days from seedlings to the start of flowering. The grow..
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  • Product Code: 1278670
Seeds “Bull Heart”, medium, tall, 0.2 g - mid -season (100-117 days) grade of lettuce for open groun..
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  • Product Code: 2760547
Bull Heart is a mixture of popular large -fruited varieties of tomatoes. Designed for open ground an..
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  • Product Code: 10288237
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  • Product Code: 10225687
Early Ned (80-110 days from seedlings to fruiting) a hybrid for open ground and film shelters. The p..
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  • Product Code: 10288263
Раннеспелый (100-105 дней) гибрид. Растение индетерминантное, мощное, высотой 1,8-2,0 м, требует под..
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  • Product Code: 9359605
A great choice for fresh summer vitamin salads! The variety successfully combines large -fruited and..
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  • Product Code: 9338324
semi -determinant. Lead to one stem. Widely complex brushes. High attitude. The fruits are very be..
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  • Product Code: 7453410
It is recommended for growing in open ground. The variety is distinguished by good transportation of..
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  • Product Code: 9359604
Early Ned Variety (period from seedlings to fruiting 95-98 days) for growing in open ground and unde..
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  • Product Code: 10230894
Early Nednie (100-110 days from seedlings to the beginning of fruiting) hybrid for film greenhouses ..
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  • Product Code: 9489572
Early Palminant Hybrid Tomata (80-90 days from seedlings to ripening). It is recommended for growing..
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  • Product Code: 5462756
Early Ned (112 days from seedlings to fruiting) a tall variety for growing in film greenhouses. The ..
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  • Product Code: 5481565
The hybrid is early, indeterminant. From seedlings to the start of the first fruits, 90-95 days. The..
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  • Product Code: 2858815
Middle End (100-110 days) variety. The plant is determinant, 40-60 cm high. The fruits are round, da..
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  • Product Code: 9506719
seeds Tomat Cinderella 0.1 g in the package. Early -ripening, high -yielding variety for open ground..
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  • Product Code: 5470849
Crazy early adhesiveness and cold resistance The main advantage of Claudia. The plant is compact, 40..
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  • Product Code: 5470826
Crazy early adhesiveness and cold resistance The main advantage of Claudia. The plant is compact, 40..
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  • Product Code: 3975897
For lovers of delicious large -fruited tomatoes. The mid -season indeterminant variety for greenhous..
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  • Product Code: 6485952
The hybrid variety ideal for growing in central Russia. Adult plants reach a height of 180 cm and ha..
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  • Product Code: 9472679
High -yielding early -ripening determinant hybrid. From the moment of complete seedlings to the firs..
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  • Product Code: 9338268
Middle, tall variety. Plant height up to 1.6 meters. The first inflorescence is formed above the 8th..
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Showing с 51 to 75 of 1781 (72 pages)