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Zucchini (page 3)

  • Product Code: 10230904
Semen zucchini Aral. Very early (30 days from seedlings to the first fruit collection) hybrid. The p..
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  • Product Code: 9469158
Very early (30 days from seedlings to the first collection of fruits) hybrid. The plant is semi -flo..
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  • Product Code: 10230905
Early 35-40 days from complete seedlings, a very productive hybrid of Dutch selection. The plant is ..
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  • Product Code: 2743910
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  • Product Code: 7584846
The magnificent mixture of the most popular varieties and hybrids, different in form (oval, cylindri..
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  • Product Code: 10288095
Early Nednie (35-40 days) hybrid. The plant is bush, medium -sized. The fruits are cylindrical, stra..
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  • Product Code: 2858710
Find for women! The early-ripening variety (from seedlings to the first fertilization of 50-60 days)..
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  • Product Code: 10261236
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  • Product Code: 10256719
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  • Product Code: 7349213
Early Ned (38-45 days) Hybrid with high fruit tutorial. The plant is powerful, bush, compact. The fr..
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  • Product Code: 7349215
selection of the West Siberian vegetable experimental station. Early Nednie (40-45 days) variety. Th..
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  • Product Code: 5402056
The Middle Erarity Hybride of the Kabachka (39-43 days from seedlings to the beginning of fruiting)...
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  • Product Code: 10236573
Semen zucchini bison tsukkini. Early ripe high-yielding (10-11 kg/m2) variety. The period from compl..
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  • Product Code: 7584845
The plant is bush, compact, strongly -shaped. 35 fruits are tied to the bush at once. The fruits are..
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  • Product Code: 2746613
Popular early-ripening variety (50-55 days). Compact, bush plant. The fruits of dark green color, cy..
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  • Product Code: 7349234
Early Enraeled variety of Tsukkini. The plant is bush. The fruits are cylindrical, dark green, ribbe..
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  • Product Code: 7349235
Early Enraeled variety of Tsukkini. The plant is bush. The fruits are cylindrical, dark green, ribbe..
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  • Product Code: 9330831
The early-nobility hybrid. The plant is bush, compact. The sheet plate is dark green, medium -sized ..
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  • Product Code: 10230815
A after a white -froisted boot. From seedlings to the start of the collection of 35-40 days. The pla..
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  • Product Code: 10236576
Semen zucchini Babyugan is white -resulting. The early-gripped variety enters the fruiting on 36-38 ..
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  • Product Code: 2746608
"Others Breakfast - a very early, early -grin variety of tsukkini. The plant is bush, compact, open,..
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  • Product Code: 10288096
Ultra-carcked (38-45 days) variety. The plant is bush. The fruits are white, cylindrical, medium-siz..
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  • Product Code: 9483485
Early high -yielding, bush variety. The fruits are rounded (in shape resembling a baking pot), dark ..
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Showing с 51 to 75 of 282 (12 pages)