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Mosquito remedies "Super", with an activator, in a box, 80 ml

Brand: Гарант
Product Code: 6913382
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From mosquitoes
Type of means
Type of means

Purpose: Flucus concentrate against mosquitoes

Characterization: The two -component system of means from mosquitoes of super, consists of the main drug - a professional concentrate of the emulsion and auxiliary means - a special film -forming activator.

Professional insecticidal concentrate adapted for domestic use is designed to combat flying insects-mosquitoes have a quick-1 hour-destructive effect on insects and long-term-up to 2-2.5 months-residual protective effect.

A film -forming activator - an organosilicon wetter, being added to a solution of the main drug, contributes to a significant increase in the efficiency of insecticide, providing high adhesion (adhesion) and good spreading of the solution according to various types of surfaces.

due to the formation of microplays, an insecticide + activator on the treated surfaces increases the stability of the insecticide to adverse environmental factors (sun, rain) and increases the period of residual protective action. To ensure the absence of insects in the processed territories, 1 processing per season (subject to the control of the seats) is usually enough. One bottle is enough for processing 160 sq.m.

Method of application: To carry out processing, it is necessary to prepare a working solution, adding a remedy for mosquitoes of super to clean water at room temperature at the rate of 10 ml of concentrate per 1l of water. The contents of the package are enough for the preparation of 8 liters of the working solution. It is necessary to process the locations and shelters of the mosquitoes, as well as the place of their unit. Processing is carried out in dry calm weather with favorable weather forecast for the next 3 days. The exit of people to a treated area is possible a day after processing, pets - after 3 days.

Precautions: toxic! Dangerous for fish and bees. Store in places inaccessible to children and pets, separately from products and drugs. Carrying out processing in protective equipment (gloves, glasses. Respirator), in the absence of people and animals on the site. Fruiting plants are covered with a film. During processing, observe the general rules of hygiene. After the end of the work, wash your hands and face, rinse your mouth, shake your clothes and wash. Do not allow the product to enter the skin and mucous membranes, in the case of hitting, rinse with water. In case of poisoning, immediately stop working and consult a doctor. Antidot - Atropine. The consumer assumes all responsibility for the consequences of the application and storage of the product in case of non -compliance with this Instruction.

Active substance: chlorpyrifos 50%, cypermetrin 5.

A country India
Appointment From mosquitoes
Type of means Liquid
Type of means Insecticide
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