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Semenine potatoes "Vasilek" 2 kg super elite, r/r 28/55

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Super elite
Temper. restriction not lower ℃

Cornflower - a medium -early variety of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) of the table purpose. It differs with blue-violet peeling of the peel. A plant of medium height, intermediate type. The stems of the cornflowers are strong, half -time. Leaves of medium size, open type, dark green color. The corolla is small, pinkish-violet color. The intensity of anthocyanic coloring of its inside is weak or medium. The tubers are aligned, have an elongated oval shape, more often the right one. The peel is thin, smooth, blue-violet color, when cooking, the intensity of a blue shade is lost. The pulp on the cut has a white or light cream color, small areas with pink-violet pigment can be observed. The eyes are small, they lay superficially, practically not noticeable. Vasilka has very good taste. The tubers are medium -neglected, suitable for the preparation of any dishes, but especially suitable for mashed potatoes, cooking in "uniform" and purified form, baking, stuffing. When cooking, they crack, but do not lose their shape. The pulp is weakly powdery, not watery.


  • The period from the appearance of complete seedlings to harvesting is 80–100 days.
  • on one plant can be formed by about 15 tuber crops.
  • The mass of one root crop 77-112 grams.
  • Heading - 96%.
  • The content of starch in it is 10-12%.

The variety is moderately demanding on soils and climatic conditions. The best yield shows on light fertile soils in regions with a soft climate. From an agricultural point of view, the variety is absolutely simple and does not require increased attention, but it will certainly respond to good care by increasing the yield and number of commodity potatoes.

A few tips that will help you achieve the best results:

  • Before planting, the selection and calibration of tubers should be carried out. For further cultivation, copies of medium sizes are better, without mechanical damage and signs of diseases. It is extremely desirable to treat the seed material with the retractors against diseases and insects, as well as, if desired, growth stimulants.
  • Plot under the landing of the cornflow should be prepared well in advance - fertilize, plow, shame. It is important to choose soil on which before that cultures such as legumes, siderats, cabbage, onions, beets, cucumber, garlic, zucchini. Do not plant tuber -seal in the soil after other nightshade! This can lead to infection of potatoes with diseases characteristic of this culture, in particular late blight.
  • During plant vegetation, do not forget about standard agricultural measures. Wagging, loosening of the soil, timely preventive treatment from diseases and pests, regular watering and top dressing - all this will very positively affect the yield. By the way, making increased doses of fertilizers will help reduce the number of small tubers. But do not get carried away with nitrogen -containing complexes - their excessive amount in the soil can lead to increased pace of height growth to the detriment of tuber formation.
  • Do not forget to replace the seed material in a timely manner.

The variety is resistant to Golden cyst -forming nematode, cancer, medium -resistant to striped and wrinkled mosaics. To late blight is relatively stable in tops and tubers.

A country Russia
Color Violet
Delivery season Spring
Reproduction Super elite
Temper. restriction not lower ℃ 0
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