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The healing tool for the wounds of trees "Garden Var", 150 g

Brand: Август
Product Code: 7414547
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Application area
From fungal diseases
Preparatory form
Biological products
Weight, g/volume, ml

"Garden Var" is designed to heal the wounds of trees obtained as a result of trimming, fencing or vaccinations. The drug is also used in the processing of sunburn, frostobene and other damage to the cortex. To seal deep wounds, filler, such as dolomite or chalk, can be added to the source substance. Features of "Garden Vara" from the company "August" The basis of the drug is a petrolate into which fungicidal additives are introduced. This composition ensures rapid mechanical healing of cuts and places devoid of bark, protects them from fungal diseases. "Garden Var" has good sticking, retains its properties at low temperature. It is well applied to a fresh slice, quickly sticks to it, does not spread in the heat. Thanks to the neutral composition, the drug does not harm wood and does not burn it. Before applying VAR, the damaged part should be cleaned of the dead bark, and the cut should be disinfected. For example, copper sulfate. For applying the drug, a wooden blade is used. 

Method, features of application: Cut the dead and lagging and lagging from wood with a knife to a healthy wood, clean, disinfect the affected area with a solution of copper sulfate and, using a wooden spatula with a thin layer, cover it with garden var. When sealing deep wounds, it is allowed to add filler to the softened boat (chalk or dolomite in a ratio of 1: 1)

A country Russia
Application area From fungal diseases
Preparatory form Paste
View Biological products
Weight, g/volume, ml 150
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