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The mixture is vermiculite and perlite "Recipes of the grandfather of Nikita" 3 l.

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A great mixture of perlite and vermiculite.

Perlyite - a rock of volcanic origin. On the edge of the lava flow, in places of primary contact of magmatic melts and the earth's surface, as a result of the rapid cooling of the lava, volcanic glass is formed - obsidian. Subsequently, underground waters penetrate through the obsidian, its hydration occurs and perlite forms. Perlite is characterized by a small concentric-wicked structure, according to which it breaks up into rounded nuclei (pearls), resembling pearls with a characteristic brilliance.

vermiculitis - a mineral from a group of hydroslud, having a layered structure. It is large plate crystals of golden yellow or brown. When heated from the plates, worm -shaped columns of golden or silver are formed with transverse division into finest scales (conceded vermiculite). The burned masses of vermiculite are freely swim on the surface of the water.

The beneficial properties of perlite and vermiculite:

1) Both substrates have a high absorption: Perlit is able to absorb liquids up to 400% of its own weight, and vermiculite - up to 530%. Therefore, their addition to the grape forms an optimally moist environment for nutrition of plant roots.

2) Optimize the air exchange of soil. Promoting its fingering, these susbtrack components provide access to oxygen and nitrogen from the air to the roots of plants, which favorably affects the development of the root system and the growth of the plant as a whole.

3) Biologically persistent: they are not exposed and rotting under the influence of microorganisms, are not a favorable environment for insects and rodents. When perlite and/or vermiculite to the soil, the development of pests, mold, and mushrooms is restrained in it.

4) chemically inert - neutral to the action of alkalis and weak acids.

5) Protect plants from excessive overheating and hypothermia. Possessing low thermal conductivity, the structure of the perlite ensures stabilization of the temperature regime of the soil in cases of a sharp change in weather conditions.

6) Perlit and vermiculite are environmentally friendly and sterile material, not toxic, do not contain heavy metals.

The difference: Perlit and vermiculite have similar properties, however, vermiculite, due to its scaly structure, has the best aeration properties than perlite. Vermiculite, again, unlike perlite, is capable of ion exchange - on the surface of its granules, nutrients of fertilizers are delayed, which are given gradually, taking into account the needs of plants, whose roots have the same high ability for ion exchange. This creates a favorable climate to power the root system.

The use of perlite and vermiculite:

  • in its pure form - for rooting cuttings, germination of seeds and growing seedlings. Since the mixture of the substrate is not suitable for the life of microorganisms and mushrooms, this prevents the appearance of various rot and diseases, which is especially important at the first stage of plant development;
  • as an independent hydropone substrate;
  • is introduced The composition of soil mixtures, increasing their porosity, loose and normalizing humidity. It depends on the characteristics of the soil used. If these are light soils (for example, from top peat), then the percentage of the mixture can be less, since the soil is already enough “breathing”, but requires an increase in moisture content. If you have dense fat chernozem, then the high proportion of the mixture will make it lighter and more breathable;
  • is used to store rhizomes, bulbs and tubers. As a result of maintaining the optimal thermal balance and normal gas exchange, the bulb does not rot, the fungus and other diseases do not develop.

Features of use: the mixture can be used to regulate the humidity mode in greenhouses and greenhouses. Place it on flat baking sheets with a layer of 8-10 cm and pour water. Water from the surface of the mixture will evaporate gradually, and the effect will not be as fleeting as after spraying. Excessive adding a mixture can lead to an increase in the acidity of the soil, since it has a slightly alkaline reaction.

Precautions: small perlite sand is very dusting, which adversely affects the lungs and eyes. Before using the mixture, it should be moistened with water from the sprayer, and to work with it in a respirator or mask. When dust gets into the eyes, rinse with water.

A country Russia
Weight, kg/volume, l 3
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