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White cabbage seeds "Sugar lightning", F1, 0.15 g

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A country
Agronomic expiration date, years
Features of growing
Open soil
Ripening dates
Sowing for seedlings
November - February

Ultra -carcked (ripens 7-10 days earlier than other early varieties and cabbage hybrids) incredibly cold -resistant (tolerates frosts up to –2 -5 degrees).

The hybrid has a whole complex of very valuable features, such as maximum productivity, the ideal alignment of rounded heads weighing from 1.6 to 2.0 kg, very dense for early hybrids of the cabbage, an amazing, delicate taste, with a sufficient amount of vitamin C. , great for the preparation of healthy and delicious first delicate and fabulously tasty salads, juice, as well as for all types of home cooking. The outer and internal stumps are short. It is resistant to mucous bacteriosis, black leg, keel, vascular bacteriosis, and cracking. Due to the fact that the hybrid is ultra -rapid, it is possible to grow it with the aim of selling early products in the market at high prices.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the second half of March - early April. The depth of the seeds of seeds is 0.5-1 cm. The seedlings appear after 5-7 days. During the growing period, it is necessary to feed with mineral fertilizers, watering, ventilation, to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch. The seedlings are ready for planting 30-45 days after the appearance of seedlings, when it has 4-5 real leaves. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May.

Landing according to the scheme: 60x60 cm. When planting, the plants are buried to the first present sheet. Regular and abundant watering is necessary, especially during the formation of heads of heads. For prevention against aphids, snails and slugs of the plant and soil are published with wood ash (1 cup per 1 m2).

Neither a festive nor an ordinary table is complete, it perfectly complements any dishes, and herself in sauerry, salty, stew and fried form, is a nutritious and delicious dish. Many legends and customs are connected with cabbage, they wondered in cabbage, and they gave a turn of the wrong groom from the gate. The cabbage was also known to the ancient healers, it was successfully treated with deafness, migraines, insomnia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a general strengthening, analgesic and anti -inflammatory agent. Vitamins are preserved for a long time, both in fresh and sauerkraut and cabbage brine. Cabbage contains a complete set of vitamins, and even vitamin C is superior to even lemons.

A country Russia
Agronomic expiration date, years 5
Features of growing Open soil
Ripening dates Superranial
Sowing for seedlings November - February
Type of cabbage White
Variety or hybrid Hybrid F1
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