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Zola wood -granular "Bioab absolute", 70 g

Product Code: 4641109
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Application area
Complex fertilizers
Harvest increase
Groups of elements
Macro -appropriation

Granular woods (DZG)-potassium-phosphate-lime comprehensive fertilizer for acidic and neutral soils. Granular woods are the most important supplement for the soil, fertilizes and alkalizes the soil, creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of soil microorganisms especially nitrogen -fixing bacteria. And also increases the vitality of plants. Helps the plant get stronger and enhances the ovaries. Increases productivity, accelerates the maturation of the fruits of ash of wood most favorably with the crop and its quality than industrial potassium fertilizers, since it almost does not contain chlorine. Despite the enormous capabilities of modern chemistry, not a single mineral fertilizer can be compared with ash in the most compliance with the needs of plants. And not surprising, because ash is the same plants, disassembled into the smallest components in the process of combustion. Moreover, all nutrients are perfectly absorbed by plants from wood ash. The introduction of wood ash granulated in the soil is the most effective way to combat the process of acidic soil. In addition, the structure of the soil is restored - it becomes loose. An attractive feature of this product is its new granular format. The size of the granules is from 2 to 4 mm, it is convenient to add to the soil in any type of agricultural technology. The granules are quite strong, exclude dusting, and therefore, production losses are reduced when used, granulum facilitates the process of introducing ash, and also slows down the process of dissolution of ash in the soil. Slow solubility is an advantage, because agricultural grounds are not caused by shock exposure associated with a change in acidity and nutrient medium. The granular woods contains everything, with the exception of nitrogen, the nutrition elements necessary for plants. Storage of ash in granules provides a longer shelf life in hermetic container.


does not contain chlorine;

is rich in microelements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, iron, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum);

reduces acidity;

improves soil structure;

complicates the development of rot and pathogens;

acts for a long period;

contributes to the laying of buds and the development of young shoots;

improves water metabolism and breathing;

increases the immunity and strength of tissues.

The main advantages of DZG: DZG contains everything, with the exception of nitrogen, the nutrition elements necessary for plants. 1 kg of ash when introducing into the soil replaces 220 g of granular superphosphate, 240 g of potassium chloride and 500 g of lime;

A serious plus of wood ash in a granular format - it has slow solubility and slowly increases the pH of the soil, while ordinary powder ash sharply increases the pH of the soil;

The granular format of wood ash facilitates the application of agricultural machinery into the soil. It is convenient to work with DZG in windy weather, because The monos of ash does not occur. Does not form a crust on the soil surface, is not washed out by rains and meltwater (because it slowly dissolves);

DZG is stored and indefinitely stored in typical dry warehouses of storage of mineral fertilizers with natural humidity and air ventilation;

Granular wood ash practically does not contain chlorine, so it is well used under plants that negatively react to chlorine: strawberries, raspberries, currants, potatoes. Granular wood ash will protect various types of various types from diseases such as Kila and Black Leg. Responsive to its introduction and cucumbers, zucchini, squash, sweet pepper, eggplant and tomatoes;

DZG moisture maintaining, aeriting, antiseptic additive for substrates. It has bactericidal properties. Gives the substrate the necessary looseness, lightness, breathability and hygroscopicity.

improves soil structure and aeration, regulates moisture and air exchange;

The granular woods contain from 30 to 40% of calcium, up to 3% of potassium carbon dioxide, up to 7% of phosphorus, as well as many trace elements: sulfur, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, silicon, sodium, so necessary for vegetables, perennials, fruit and decorative trees. Each element of mineral nutrition in a plant organism performs its specific functions, as a rule, cannot be replaced by another.

in the composition:


3,5 ± 1,10 %

activates the growth of the root system in the early stages of development. The role of this macro element in the life of plants is so significant that with a deficiency of phosphorus, they form less flowers, and their coloring becomes dull and unattractive.


3,5 ± 0,73 %

regulates the concentration of cell juice, retains water, activates enzymes. Promotes a good general condition of plants, enhances their resistance to low temperatures. Potassium in the ash is contained in the form of potassium carbon dioxide K2S03, well -soluble in water. This form of potassium is the best for all crops, especially sensitive to chlorine.


34,68 ± 10,63 %

accelerates the consumption of spare carbohydrates with the germination of the seed. It is used by plants as building material. It is used in the liming of the soil.


6,5 ± 3,29 %

is needed for the formation in the leaves of chlorophyll, without which the processes of photosynthesis are impossible. It is important for flowering and ripening of seeds.


1,5 ± 1,02 %

enhances the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, vitamins and breathing process.

A country Russia
Application area Universal
Complex fertilizers No
Effect Harvest increase
Groups of elements Macro -appropriation
Hazard Class Grade 3 (moderately dangerous)
Origin Mineral (inorganic)
Periods of application Year -round
Preparatory form Granules
View Fertilizers
Weight, g/volume, ml 70
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