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Historical novel (page 40)

  • Product Code: 6930122
The novel “Word and deed” consists of two books: “The Queen of the Strength Penal” and “My Pond conf..
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  • Product Code: 9020348
Siberia is great and immense. For the third hundred years, Russian immigrants have been mastering, s..
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  • Product Code: 9591380
In 1223, events took place in the South Russian lands that determined the further course of history ..
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  • Product Code: 7622101
The fatal 1665, the Great London plague spreads around the country- along with the infected fabric, ..
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  • Product Code: 9819368
Author, Frontovik officer Gennady Ivanovich Goncharenko, dedicated the novel-trilogy of “Years of Te..
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  • Product Code: 9819369
Author, Frontovik officer Gennady Ivanovich Goncharenko, dedicated the novel-trilogy of “Years of Te..
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  • Product Code: 9293507
993. Before the eyes of the young Torstain, his father is killed, and he himself falls into slavery...
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  • Product Code: 6924268
The novel of the outstanding Catalan writer Zhaum Kabre “Your Honor” (1991) was created long before ..
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  • Product Code: 7112955
Nikolai Pavlovich Voronov (1926-2014)-prose writer, poet and playwright, publicist, author of more t..
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  • Product Code: 7671342
Yuri Dolgoruky is known primarily as the founder of Moscow, which glorified himself. the nickname "..
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  • Product Code: 7812656
III century n. e. In Rome, the emperor Aurelian is proclaimed - an outstanding military leader, whos..
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  • Product Code: 10355683
Straidivari violin, a sapphuri-girandol, a yellow skirt and half-erased memories-which the exile and..
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Showing с 976 to 987 of 987 (40 pages)