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Scientific and popular literature

  • Product Code: 7641027
“Frams of the Popular Sea” is an exciting, emotional, inatun for expressive details, the story of th..
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  • Product Code: 7441767
Sometimes a work of science fiction is so visionary, so close to the scientific achievements of tomo..
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  • Product Code: 4541112
The birth of this book was preceded by 10 years of searches, studying archives and databases, the re..
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  • Product Code: 10528656
The human brain is the most difficult thing in the universe, scientists believe whose efforts are ai..
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  • Product Code: 10455978
Scientists believe that plants are endowed with feelings, intelligence, have memory, a sense of time..
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  • Product Code: 10355018
Humanity has entered the third millennium. What did the XXI century prepare us? Since the emergence ..
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  • Product Code: 10528712
Despite all the achievements of neurobiology, we have little advanced in solving its main issue: wha..
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  • Product Code: 7002740
Tim Peak is fond of marathon running, mountaineering and skiing, raising his son and going on the sp..
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  • Product Code: 5321472
Memoirs of Nikolai Alekseevich Raevsky (1894-1988) talk about the events of 1918 in Ukraine. The aut..
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  • Product Code: 4422756
2062 - what is this date? Leading experts in artificial intelligence and robotics predict: in 2062, ..
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  • Product Code: 7398823
“21 Lesson for the XXI century” - the third book of Juval Harari, author published in 50 languages ​..
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  • Product Code: 7398825
“21 Lesson for the XXI century” - the third book of Juval Harari, author published in 50 languages ​..
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  • Product Code: 7777955
“21 Lesson for the XXI century” - the third book of Juval Harari, author published in 50 languages ​..
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  • Product Code: 7398824
“21 Lesson for the XXI century” - the third book of Juval Harari, author published in 50 languages ​..
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  • Product Code: 10057894
Anglicisms, feminity, copyright neologisms, abbreviations, youth slang - all these are the integral ..
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  • Product Code: 5321488
“250 impudent tips to the writer”-this is saturated with drinking, witty and honest Zen-Ozglyuvy for..
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  • Product Code: 5483943
Book of “55 Features of Love in the notes of a philologist. Who inspired famous writers ”about love ..
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  • Product Code: 3632573
"Mathematics is difficult." Is it not true, we hear it constantly, and sometimes we think so. Is mat..
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  • Product Code: 1862798
How does natural selection work? Is it a sufficient explanation of the complexity of living organism..
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  • Product Code: 9227222
How to give birth to a healthy child? Why does my child have heart problems? Will I have Khorey Hunt..
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  • Product Code: 5344021
This book is a popular and fascinating story about the development of alchemy and great masters of t..
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  • Product Code: 5509304
Perhaps the most exciting thriller of “all time and peoples” is the history of money-in the fascinat..
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  • Product Code: 9423503
“Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking is one of the pillars of modern popular science literatur..
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  • Product Code: 9423501
“Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking is one of the pillars of modern popular science literatur..
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Showing с 1 to 25 of 1871 (75 pages)