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  • Product Code: 5464133
The unpretentious decorative annual plant up to 40-50 cm high. The leaves of Matthiola are small, li..
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  • Product Code: 4073056
Mattiola is a fragrant herbaceous plant. There are low species, the growth of which is no more than ..
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  • Product Code: 10264869
An annual plant, up to 50 cm high. The leaves are linear, coarse, pale green. The flowers are lilac,..
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  • Product Code: 10265116
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  • Product Code: 7688360
One of the favorite colors of many gardeners will fill your garden with a fabulous aroma in the even..
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  • Product Code: 9359779
One of the favorite colors of many gardeners will fill your garden with a fabulous aroma in the even..
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  • Product Code: 7634976
Mattiol Temptation is a beautiful mixture of purple, pink, purple and white colors with a bright fab..
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  • Product Code: 1314089
Mattiol (left -handed) is a plant with dense dense inflorescences and a rich bright aroma. Infloresc..
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  • Product Code: 1094446
The aroma of a summer evening! Annual plant 40-50 cm high. Bush erect orraxidious, densely. The flow..
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  • Product Code: 4662777
The unpretentious decorative annual plant from the family is crucible, 40-50 cm high. It blooms abun..
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  • Product Code: 5360113
"A plant with strongly consuming, erect stem and loose cystic inflorescences. It is valued for a str..
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  • Product Code: 10245162
A decorative annual variety from the Cross -Belief family. The plants of high -rises up to 50 cm. Fl..
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  • Product Code: 2869518
The unpretentious decorative annual plant from the family is crucible, 40-50 cm high. It blooms abun..
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  • Product Code: 4693270
Plants with a strongly-incorporating stem 35-50 cm high. Flowering is plentiful, begins after 60 day..
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Showing с 1 to 16 of 16 (1 pages)