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  • Product Code: 4116440
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  • Product Code: 10183113
Aleksandr I Pavlovich 1777-1825, the Emperor and Automobiles of the All-Russian since 1801, which ca..
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  • Product Code: 10183132
Aleksandr II Nikolaevich 1818 - 1881, the Russian emperor (1855-1881) from the Romanov dynasty, who ..
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  • Product Code: 10183115
Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich 1845 - 1894, the All -Russian Emperor since 1881. Alexander III made a..
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  • Product Code: 10183124
Nikolai II Aleksandrovich 1868-1918. - The last Emperor of the All -Russian from 1894 to 1917, from ..
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  • Product Code: 10183125
Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed Veliky, 1672 - 1725 - The last king of all Rus' (since 1682) and the ..
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  • Product Code: 10183123
Peter II Alekseevich 1715 - 1730. - The Emperor of the All -Russian, who replaced Catherine I on the..
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  • Product Code: 10183127
Pyotr III Fedorovich, 1728-1762, the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty on the Rus..
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  • Product Code: 10183131
Ekaterina I, 1684 - 1727, the Empress All -Russian since 1721 as the wife of the reigning emperor, s..
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  • Product Code: 10183118
Catherine II (Ekaterina Alekseevna); Catherine Velikaya; The nee Sophia Augusta Frederika Angalt-Cen..
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  • Product Code: 10183133
Elizaveta Petrovna 1709 - 1761, Empress and Autocrat of the All -Russian from the Romanov dynasty 17..
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  • Product Code: 6888533
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  • Product Code: 7352497
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  • Product Code: 1079131
Peter I Alekseevich - the Moscow Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, the emperor of Russia since 1721, a ..
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  • Product Code: 10183121
Prince Ryurik (d. 879, the state of Rurik) - according to the Russian chronicles and the feeding boo..
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  • Product Code: 6758152
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  • Product Code: 6888532
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  • Product Code: 10183117
Alexei Mikhailovich The Quarte 1629-1676. The second Russian king from the Romanov dynasty, since 16..
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  • Product Code: 10183122
Fedor III Alekseevich 1661-1682, the sovereign, the king and great prince of all Rus' since 1676, fr..
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  • Product Code: 10183129
Ivan IV Vasilievich, nicknamed Grozny, 1530-1584. - The sovereign, the Grand Duke of Moscow and All ..
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  • Product Code: 10183119
Joann (Ivan) V Alekseevich (August 27 [September 6] 1666, Moscow - January 29 [February 8] 1696, Mos..
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  • Product Code: 10183128
Mikhail Fedorovich 1596-1645, the first Russian king from the Romanov dynasty. Rules from 1613, was ..
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  • Product Code: 1079120
Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, or Iron Felix - a famous revolutionary. He repeatedly arrested, sat i..
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  • Product Code: 4203384
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Showing с 1 to 25 of 149 (6 pages)