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Агрофирма АЭЛИТА (page 7)

  • Product Code: 1731655
“Moscow Winter A 515” is a mid -season variety of carrots, in which the period from seedlings to tec..
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  • Product Code: 5370854
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  • Product Code: 7643630
A popular mid -season variety. Forms a high yield in 100-120 days. It is good on heavy soils; Suitab..
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  • Product Code: 7643557
A midpotten variety with high yield-5-7 kg/m2. Channel varietotype. Root crops weighing 100-170 g, w..
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  • Product Code: 2176407
The mid-season variety, from complete seedlings to technical ripeness of 100-120 days. Root crops ar..
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  • Product Code: 1731651
“NIIOKh 336” is a mid -season variety of carrots, in which the period from seedlings to technical ma..
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  • Product Code: 1731624
“Queen of the Autumn” is a vain variety of carrots, in which the period from seedlings to technical ..
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  • Product Code: 9359360
A new, mid -season variety of a varietotype flask. Forms a crop in 95-105 days from seedlings. The y..
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  • Product Code: 9359361
Ideal carrots for long -term storage! Late, root crops are removed on 130-140 days after the appeara..
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  • Product Code: 1731649
“Tushon” is an early -ripening variety of carrots, which has a period from sowing to harvesting is 1..
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  • Product Code: 1731659
“Vitamin 6” is a mid -season variety of carrots, in which the period from seedlings to technical mat..
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  • Product Code: 9359437
AND MEDONOSNOS, ancient Indian spice, known around the world as Shambala. It is appreciated for an u..
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  • Product Code: 7643651
Perennial plant. The rosette of the leaves is semi-lowered, in the outlet of 6-12 leaves. Long -size..
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  • Product Code: 9359305
Fresh inflorescences immediately in a plate. The height of the plant is 20 cm, the width of the bush..
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  • Product Code: 1731445
“Lilac ball” is a high -yielding medium -season color cabbage variety, resistant to autumn frosts an..
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  • Product Code: 1731630
The mid -season color cabbage variety will delight you with a plentiful and friendly harvest 85–95 d..
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  • Product Code: 9359604
Early Ned Variety (period from seedlings to fruiting 95-98 days) for growing in open ground and unde..
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  • Product Code: 2176385
the midst of mid-season (100-110 days from the appearance of seedlings to technical ripeness). It fo..
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  • Product Code: 1731606
Samurai is a cold -resistant mid -season variety, in which the period from seedlings to the start of..
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  • Product Code: 9359542
The mid -season celery variety, the delicate leaves of which are used in fresh and dried form. This ..
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  • Product Code: 10220944
high -yielding (3.5 kg/m 2) sheet variety of medium ripening period, from complete seedlings to mass..
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  • Product Code: 2760515
Atlant is a highly productive mid -season variety. It is valued for the high content of fiber, vitam..
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  • Product Code: 9359541
High -yielding early -ripening variety of root celery. From seedlings to cleaning 150-170 days. It f..
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  • Product Code: 9359540
Middle End variety, resistant to flowering. From the appearance of seedlings to technical ripeness 1..
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  • Product Code: 3975763
A curly variety of leaf celery. The variety is early-ripe, from seedlings to the first cut-75-80 day..
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Showing с 151 to 175 of 1986 (80 pages)